Is Your Affiliate Marketing Failing? 5 Common Affiliate Marketing Issues

If your affiliate links aren't getting clicks, there may be a problem. Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to develop passive income and boost your own presence, but it can be difficult to perfect. Here are a few of the most common issues marketers run into. 1. Competing With the Product If you're trying to sell a product like "website themes" and you're writing SEO for "website themes," then you're actually competing for the exact product that you're attempting to market. [Read More]

3 Tips For Purchasing Mobile Traffic

Everywhere you look, people are on their phones. With more and more people using their mobile devices to access information on the Internet, capturing mobile traffic has become vital to the success of any affiliate marketer. Boosting your offers on search engines requires a lot of traffic. Obtaining this traffic organically can take a lot of time, so many marketers opt to invest in the purchase of mobile traffic instead. Keep these three things in mind as you consider buying mobile traffic in the future. [Read More]

3 Reasons DIY Web Design Isn't A Good Idea For Your Business

With the mountain of information online, many people feel like their website can be self-made within a few hours. Unfortunately, something as precious as your business website should not be taken lightly. There are several reasons doing the job yourself is not the best idea. Web Design Is Complex You can look on YouTube and find thousands of tutorials on ways to create a website using different content management systems (CMS). [Read More]

3 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Pro For Your Business Website Design

Nowadays, it might seem as if it's simple for you to create your own website. With so many blogging platforms and DIY website design programs out there, you might assume that making your own website is quite easy. For a personal site, this might not be a bad idea. If you are trying to create a website for your business, however, you will probably want to hire a professional instead. These are three reasons why. [Read More]